Sunday, August 9, 2015

Poor Little Bitch Girl by Jackie Collins

This is the first novel I read for Jackie Collins. I was under the impression that she's a great writer and all. I bought Poor Little Bitch Girl 5 years ago, along with 3 other novels by Collins, and I hadn't gotten around to reading any of them until this past weekend when my cousin came over to borrow something to read from my mini library. She picked out one of Collins's novel and I thought well, I paid for them, I've got them, I should read them. I picked this one by random and read the back cover, "murder" was the word that interested me.

What a disappointment.

Annabelle was supposed to be the major character, with her movie star mother being the murder victim. But, it was very evident that Denver stole her thunder. I felt like Collins spent more time and detail on Denver's eventful life more than any of the other characters.

Language wise, a lot of profanity. Not appreciated. I mean a few cursing here and there is alright, but this was too much.

It seems that all the male characters are looking to get laid and all the female characters are looking for money. It was all about sex and money. Although, thank god the sexual details were at a reasonable level.

I liked how each chapter jumped from one character the other and how the stories unfolded gradually. The style in which Collins wrote the novel made it feel like it was originally a script turned into a novel. Especially in the end when the author gave us insight in how each character ended up, it felt like the end of a movie when they do the same before the end credits.

The bad guys got a bad ending, the good guys got a good ending, the villains got away and the lovers got a happy ending.

Very movie-like.

I wouldn't recommend it. If I hadn't been stuck somewhere boring with nothing else to do, I wouldn't have chosen to read it till the end.

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